Alone Together - ON FREEDOM. "Search for the New Land"

Jul 10, 2020 08:30 PM American Church Berlin, Berlin iCal

The world community has moved closer together than ever before. Borders have been closed, countries put into lockdown, people forced to physically distance themselves from each other. There is no East or West, no South or North. Humanity is bound together in facing global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, but also polarizing civil unrest, racial injustice, rapid climate change as well as the consequences of the destruction and exploitation of our earth. The voices of politicians, scientists and economists dispute louder than ever as people protest against the loss of personal freedom. 

What about our spiritual and artistic voices ?

In response, the American Church in Berlin seeks this dialogue; a space of mutual learning from each other on nine summer evenings: Berlin based jazz artists from diverse cultural and spiritual backgrounds are invited to create a contemplative Jazz Evensong together with nine theologians, to reflect on freedom from Christian perspectives based on spiritual practice, poetry, biblical narratives and prayers. Time for silence awards a space for personal meditation on music and word.

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Contact Uwe Steinmetz